One-Liners: Political Edition

In the world of satire, no profession provides richer material than that of a politician. Their lives are a veritable goldmine for humorists and cynics alike, offering an endless parade of contradictions, half-truths, and downright absurdities. Whether it’s their uncanny ability to make grandiose promises and deliver the bare minimum or their knack for turning every misstep into a convoluted excuse, politicians seem to operate in a realm where reality and fiction blur. As we navigate through the tumultuous waters of political theater, we find solace in humour—our sharpest tool to critique and cope with the quirks of those who hold power. Here are a collection of witty and biting observations that highlight the absurdity and irony inherent in the political landscape, shining a light on the colourful tapestry of deception, ambition, and folly that defines modern politics.

When politicians win, you lose.

You should never lie. One lie leads to another lie, then another lie, and before you know it, you’re a politician.

It only takes a second to show someone how you feel about them. The police calls it indecent exposure, but whatever.

Those who hate speeding tickets, raise your right foot.

I want to steal a donut truck and go on a high speed chase… because it would be so funny watching the cops chase a donut truck on the news!

As a young child my mother told me I could be anyone I wanted to be. Turns out the police call this “Identity Theft”.

A banana is like a politician. He’s green when he first comes in, then he turns yellow, and then he’s rotten.

I gotta go to work cause politicians’ pensions depend on it.

The police want to interview me. Strange, I didn’t even apply for a job there.

I don’t approve of political jokes…I’ve seen too many of them get elected including those in power.

We can always tell when politicians are lying. Their lips move.

The cops came to my house and asked where I was between 5 and 6… Apparently “Kindergarten” wasn’t the right answer.

I wonder how Police on bicycles arrest people… “Alright, get in the basket.”

I met two guys wearing matching clothing. So I asked them if they were gay. They arrested me.

They’re reducing the head count of social servants at the office. But somehow, they never reduce the butt-head count in Parliament.

Put politicians on minimum wage and watch how fast things change.

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.

After the government takes enough to balance the budget, the taxpayer has the job of budgeting the balance.

Politics: Poly (many) + ticks (bloodsucking parasites that like to get under your skin)

Sometimes a majority simply means that all the fools are on the same side.

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.

Why do politicians and the weather have so much in common? They both change when you least expect it, and neither can be trusted.

I told my boss I wasn’t feeling well and needed a mental health day. He called it “playing hooky”; I call it “politician training.”

If you want to understand how to speak like a politician, just say nothing in as many words as possible.

When it comes to politicians, it’s not about what they say before the election, but how quickly they forget it after.

I asked my wife if we had any skeletons in the closet. She replied, “No, but there might be a few politicians.”

I applied for a job as a politician. The interview was all lies and promises, so I fit right in.

Politicians are like clouds. When they disappear, it’s a beautiful day.

A politician is someone who will lay down your life for their country.

If honesty is the best policy, why do we keep electing politicians?

Running for office is a lot like running from the cops. Lots of lies, dodging questions, and hoping no one finds out what you did.

I thought about becoming a politician, but then I remembered I have a soul.

Why don’t politicians ever play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when they’re constantly exposing their true colors.

What’s the difference between a politician and a flying pig? The letter “F”.

The road to success is always under construction, just like a politician’s promises.

If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal. That’s why politicians are so eager to promote it.

When a politician tells you they’re different, remember they’re still part of the same broken system.

Politics: Where every solution is a problem waiting to happen.

Why don’t politicians use bookmarks? Because they prefer to bend the truth.

My dog runs to the door when the mailman arrives. I’m beginning to think he might have a future in politics.

If at first, you don’t succeed, lie, cheat, and manipulate—you’re halfway to becoming a politician.

The only exercise politicians get is jumping to conclusions and running for office.

How do you know when a politician is really broke? When they’re caught stealing office supplies.

Don’t judge a book by its cover; judge a politician by their actions.

Why did the politician cross the road? To get to the other lie.

Politicians are like magicians; they distract you with one hand while the other hand picks your pocket.

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