Truth About Fatherhood and Love

I came across the following and wanted to share it.

Some people feel that you can’t compare the love a mother has for her child to the love a father could feel for him or her.

They say that a woman’s life changes, her body changes, and she sacrifices every little nutrient she has to the baby.

What they don’t understand is that a mother and father’s love can be different, never inferior.

Those people don’t understand that the man’s body also transforms, and his mind will never be the same again.

They do not understand that, while the mother is devoted 24/7 to taking care of her child and helping him survive, the father is devoted in body and soul in turn, to help them both so that, in this struggle, they do not lack anything.

The mother starts her battle: to be the best mom in the world. Father starts his battle – to take care of them.

And so begin the broad working days, nights at night looking for better alternatives to build a better future, mental and even physical absences, betting everything to help, because deep down you know that, at that time, it is the best way she finds to combat her fears.

Because being a parent entails the same goal: the mother cares eternally for her children, and the father cares eternally for his family.

Some people don’t understand that, within parenthood, there is no competition. There is only love and teamwork.

~ Author Unknown

Certain individuals argue that the love a mother has for her child cannot be equated to the love a father might feel. They assert that a woman’s life undergoes significant changes, both physically and emotionally, as she dedicates every ounce of her being to nourish the baby.

However, what escapes their comprehension is that the love between a mother and a father, while distinct, is never substandard. They fail to recognize that a man’s body also undergoes transformations, and his mental landscape is forever altered.

It eludes them that while the mother is wholeheartedly committed 24/7 to nurturing and ensuring the survival of her child, the father reciprocates with a profound commitment of both body and soul. He strives tirelessly to ensure that neither of them lacks anything in this shared journey.

The mother embarks on her quest to be the best mother in the world, while the father initiates his battle to provide and care for them. This sets the stage for long working days, nights spent exploring better alternatives for a brighter future, and occasional mental and physical absences. All these efforts are rooted in a deep understanding that such sacrifices are necessary to confront and overcome fears.

Because, fundamentally, being a parent shares a common objective: the mother perpetually cares for her children, and the father unceasingly cares for his family. Some fail to grasp that within parenthood, there is no room for competition; there exists only love and a collaborative spirit.

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