A Trip to the Gynecologist

One morning, Mrs. Johnson received an unexpected call from her gynecologist’s office, informing her that her appointment had been rescheduled ahead for that very morning at 9:30 am. With her family already bustling off to work and school, and the clock ticking closer to 9:30, she found herself in a race against time.

Scrambling upstairs, she hastily shed her pajamas, grabbed the nearest washcloth, gave herself a quick wash in that crucial area, and tossed the cloth in the laundry basket. Without the luxury of her usual meticulous hygiene routine, she hastily dressed, jumped into her car, and sped off to her appointment.

Arriving at the doctor’s office, she barely had time to sit in the waiting room before being called in. She tried to distract herself by imagining she was in some faraway destination, but her efforts were interrupted when the doctor remarked, “My, we have made an extra effort this morning, haven’t we?” Mrs. Johnson chose to remain silent.

Relieved to have the appointment behind her, she returned home and resumed her usual routine of chores and errands. Later, as her daughter played in the bathroom, she called out, “Mommy, where’s my washcloth?

Mrs. Johnson instructed her to grab another from the cupboard, but her daughter insisted, “No, I need the one that was here by the sink. It had all my glitter and sparkles saved inside it.

Realization dawned on Mrs. Johnson, and she made a mental note never to return to that doctor’s office again. Never.

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